An old action rpg game that is a very simple one but nevertheless a fun one
Youre story starts off when you are washed ashore in an isolated continent which is surrounded by the Vail of Storms. After you are healed by some nice doctor and his very good looking assistant you leave the port and go to the next city to find a fortune teller that tells you that you are the chosen one to find the Y books.
Gameplay 7.0
Even though i never got to play the first ones i do know that in those you played by going right on to your enemies in a suicidal way and attacking by bumping into them. This one is more like a hack and slash game similar to zelda, but with less depth.
You get two ways of playing, the first is using the stylus and tap towards enemies to kill them with your sword, which i think it feels like the originals, and the second one is using the d-pad and slashing just like in zelda but moving a lot faster. Personally i think the second one feels better because you control it more and i am more accustomed with. You slash monsters more accurately with the d-pad, while with the stylus you will every once in a while get hurt because you got too close to your enemies.
Theres also a rpg element, which is leveling up. Bosses are tough depending on what level you are. If you level up enough you will kill bosses in a blink of an eye with few attacks, but if you become lazy you will have a tough time trying to beat them. But still every boss has a different way of killing, which you will need to find out, like the first one, that does not attack you, but flames come from the walls besides him, so you need to know the right timing to hit.
The thing is that its all pretty basic. You only have a sword (and magic in the second one) to attack and for equipment a shield and armor. You kill monsters and level up. Its all too simple. Yeah sure 20 years ago this type of game was very satisfying and unique, and even today it still is good, but definitively not for everyone looking for something new and refreshing to play. Hopefully next time Atlus will remake another one but with some fresh new added gameplay.
Graphics 7.0
For people new to games will probably see this game and say that it looks awful, but its a 20 year old game. Still i have to say that it looks like an early SNES game and i know that the ds is capable of way more than this. But theres some nice colorful landscapes, and even though sprites aren't good looking, there are some beautiful character portraits and some of the best opening cinematics i have ever seen for the ds.
Sound 8.0
I have to say that the music in this game is a pretty solid one. Even though slashing sounds and ``getting stuff´´ sounds sound a bit dusty you will end up liking the soundtrack in it even if isn't in its best quality. Music in the cinematics sound pretty good though.
Repay Value 8.0
You get two games in one which is a good thing and a boss killing mode. But both games are not very long and you will most likely beat them in like 10 less hours each.
Closing Comments
This one is a combination of two great old-school games in one cartridge that many action rpg fans will most likely like. But if you where expecting a totally new and refreshing experience you are better off somewhere else because this game is a simple one.