Reading this is more interesting than Y's on PSP. You get to read a lot if text and you will see NOW LOADING.Too
Yes and No. If you are not turned off of the repeated dialogue that you have seen in other Roleplay Games and you are not bothered by the too frequent and long loading times, as well as the silly ...Now Loading screen (thinking it changing colours to keep you captivated doesn't work, Konami).
This game can be fun if you have lots of free time and can multi task. I had a magazine, MP3 player and DVD going at the same time because of all the loading interruptions.
I got frustrated at it a few times as I kept accidentally going back the main screen...and having to start over. It has some up sides though...
Graphically it doesn't haven't anything you haven't seen before but it is not ugly either. The combat system is simple and somewhat effective. Keep pressing x and you will eventually win style of gameplay is not challenging but rather tedious and boring.
There are bonus feature when you play through the game. It is not enough to get me to play it through again.
This may be a rental title and will not leave you with lasting memories. It is less expensive than most PSP title so it doesn't seem like a total loss. Save your money. Play it before bed to get yourself asleep.