Nostalgia better left alone.

User Rating: 2.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Decade Duels X360
Let me begin by saying that back in the days I used to play yu gi oh games on my nintendo ds all the time, and I remember those days for being a blast. so when I heard that they were going to release a game for the xbox arcade I could't resist to give it a go. let me begin by talking about;

Graphics; No animations, a background screen that makes you dizzy after 5 minutes, and for being a strategy game with quite a lot of text, one could have thought of making the text a bit easier to read.

The card game itself has potential to be awesome. in this game however, that is not the case...
You begin with a standard deck. not much to customize at first really. just go with it and try to earn more cards by winning against the AI. and that is where the frustration begins. If you've ever played this card game before you're aware of the importance of having the right cards at the right time and preferably with a certain theme throughout the deck. So with nothing to begin with other than a terrible deck, you'd expect your opponents to have poor decks as well, right? unfortunately, that's not how this game was designed. prepare to get your ass kicked quite a few times, because that is what happens when your opponent has all of the "luck" as well as the cards.
The single player campaign happens to be a tournament mode where you face off against 6 opponents, win or lose. simple as that but since you're better off at a casino with the amount of luck required to play this game, i can't see the point of it.
there is an alternative to acquire more cards other than playing against the computer though, but of course it's gonna cost ya!
so why not look at the only playable aspect of the game. multiplayer!

Online multiplayer;
well, there isn't really one. no one is ever playing, and I can kind of tell why that is.

An ugly game that is far less superior than it's nintendo ds counterpart. There's simply no way of playing the game without purchasing additional sets of cards. but why would you really even care to do that if there's no other players to show off your unique deck?
I was hoping for a chance to battle other players, but unfortunately this game is all about getting your ass kicked by the computer.