the new cards did really good job refreshing the series but eventually it's essentially the same game.

User Rating: 8 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 PSP
i like Yugi games, i like the feeling when you draw the right card in the right time, i like making a good strategy that i feel i am controlling the whole duel wz it.

i played every tag force game, and while the first one was leap forward for Yugi-oh games, the next couple of games were just dissappointments, the more cards weren't enough to refresh the SAME game, everything was the same, characters (they added few new chracters in every new game), the same map, the same dueling system, no voice acting,,,,,,etc.


the new tag force 4 strated a new story wz new characters and a new system (tuning, synchro, Pshycic ...etc), the game did an awesome job to refresh the card catalogue, the tuning and the sunchro monsters have opened many many many options, and they are pretty fun to play wz them, the characters are finally different from those in GX seties, i had enough seeing them in 3 consectutive games, the map is different as well in the Domino city, the game also introduced a new system to contact wz other charcters and to play mini games.
overall the major thing is the cards, but is that enough???


the game is still more of the same but wz a new coat, there is till no voice acting, the leveling system is still bad and requires a lot of patient to get the new cards and even worse the three copies of each card, the AI is still horrible, they suck as a partner or as an opponent.

the game is better than Tag Force 2 and 3 but it's not ground breaking as Tag force 1

Final comment: if you love Yugi-og games, Buy it, if you are intretsted in Yugi-oh games but u didn't play any, then you must get this one.