This game is good, needs a little work on the AI but aside from that it is fun to play online if you have Wi-Fi.

User Rating: 8 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia DS
The AI in the game needs more work than the rest of the game. The Wi-Fi part of the game is more fun than playing against the computer. The reasons can vary a lot so I'll list them to save time.

The AI makes moves without much planning ahead or reading cards. Most of the facts to back up this claim are in the game so it is going to be hard to describe them, but I'll try anyways. The AI activates Heavy Storm then they activate Solemn Judgment on their own Heavy Storm. Another thing that tends to happen is the AI goes after Field Spells with a vengeance even if it helps them, or the AI gets rid of a Field Spells on their side of the field by setting another one of theirs then flips it face-up and if it helps the human player, then they are back to where they started with a Field Spell helping their opponent. I'm not sure what-else to talk about that the AI tends to do or not do, but you'll more than likely find something I've missed.

The Wi-Fi part of the game is more fun because you are dueling human players and they make the correct moves most of the time. You are dueling both highly experienced people and highly inexperienced people online so you never know what kind of duelists you are going to end up dueling. Beware of cheaters though they can ruin your day and why they even buy the game is a mystery to me. You don't have much to fear from the No Ban List cheats because they can use up to 3 of any card that is in the game and since what cards you get in a duel is mostly based on luck, so you do have a chance to win against them. If you run into instant win cheats I'd advise avoiding them after your run in with them, because you can't do much about them other than that. Aside from the occasional that pops up from time to time to ruin your day playing against human players is far more interesting because you have someone you can try and out duel or best in any way you can. This lets a player of the game come up with new ways of dueling and improve their skills so they may continue to play the game try to be the best of the best in Yu-Gi-Oh or at least dream of getting that far in the game. Hope you like the game and have fun if you have it.