Another Yu-Gi-Oh! game! What! Except this is on the gameboy color. How bad can that be, well, the answer may surprise you. Unlike most yugioh games, this one does not entitle a story of any kind. An immediate improvement to the Duelist of the Roses or Forbidden Memories games. The graphics are rubbish really. The card art looks nothing like the real thing and everythings 2D with absolutely no movement what so ever and still loads of text to skip through. The new feature to this game is the ability to make your own cards. Unfortunately this isn't as good a concept as it sounds. The monsters made have even more so appaling card art than all the other monsters and thier skills are already set making the theory of personal custimising a theory rather than a fact. The music is . Because there is nothing there really, no music, oh wait the volumes turned down, AH, turn it off. That's how terrible it is. On the plus side, there are plenty of cards to collect like any yugioh game. But you'll be bored with the terrifyingly terrifying music and the ugliest ugly graphics, so you won't want to play anymore. Hassat Yugi, I'se well 'ard.
Other Helpful Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III: Sanseisenshin Kourin
the first time i picked this up, it was sort of frustrating with the deck limitations, so you couldn't put all of the power full cards in there. after a while you get to understand it. i couldn't stop playing this after ... Read Full Review
the first time i picked this up, it was sort of frustrating with the deck limitations, so you couldn't put all of the power full cards in there. after a while you get to understand it. i couldn't stop playing this after ... Read Full Review