...Its the same as the other two, besides a few changes in the cards
Gameplay: 5/10
Replayability: 10/10
Learning Curve: Depends on whether your good with th rules or not. If you are this will be instantly understandable, if you arn't then it could take up to a week.
-Nice graphics and visual animations (Limited though they are)
-Lots and lots of strategies usuable
-Extremely challenging at harder characters
-A good time killer
-Its exactly the same as the previous 2 Tag Force games
-There are not enough animations with good monsters
-Having too many cards in the trunk makes creating a deck unneccessarily difficult
-It can get boring real fast if you keep losing
The Verdict.
If you do own the first 2 then sell them to get this as they will no longer be needed (because they are twins essentially). A dissapointing lack of updates besides a couple extra sets of cards. Id say if you have the money and havn't played previous games and you know the GX storyline then get it and ignore the other 2, otherwise Id go get yourself something worth while.