There's no noticeable difference between this and the previous two in the series but it is still worth playing (read on)
The first thing that strikes you are the graphics. To be honest, you could almost expect these kind of graphics from a gameboy advanced. However, they are marketing this to a demographic of people who play cards so it is understandable. However I expected that this game would at least give us something to look at such as 3d models of the monsters we are using in a similar way to the series. It's not as if the system can't handle a little bit of eyecandy.
I don't have a particular love for Yu-Gi-Oh and the key reason for me buying this game was an attempt to relive the old days of Pokemon on the PSP. You do get a similar game however the story is not compelling and the battles seem to carry less significance. However, due to the nature of the game, the battles are much more in depth than its Pokemon predecessors. You get a few chances to use some interesting strategies however, in a game based entirely on luck, it's hard to really feel any accomplishment after winning a duel. The deck building element is one area where the game excels. There are many different cards available to use and the development of a good deck does provide a certain excitement.
Tag Force 3 does carry the same issues as the the first two, namely the Tag Force part. It has been said over and over that having an AI team mate sets the entire game back. In effect (as there are two enemy AI) you need to sit around for 3 times longer than in a 1V1 duel. The small graphical flourishes the game does include only serve to drag out the boring elements of the duels such as the changing between the different phases.
All in all Yu-Gi-Oh: Tag Force 3 is a reasonably fun game if you enjoy the Yu-Gi-Oh card battles and will probably cost you less than a good card collection. I haven't had a chance to test the multi-player however I can imagine that (judging by the lengthy times it takes me to make a move) it could become very boring very quickly. Tag Force 3 is an excellent game for traveling as it rewards slow and thoughtful moves as opposed to the lightning fast reflexes of other games. If you have any of the other games in the series, then I would advise not to buy this game however if you like Yu-Gi-Oh and don't own one of the games yet then this is probably one of the better games you could try.