A Stunning Game for the PSP!! Definitely not just a kids game!
Now, with Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3. It's a wonderful game, in all seriousness. If you got the 1st two games, why not complete the set with this?
This game offers a massive card pool and gives Yu-Gi-Oh! fans a taste of some OCG exclusive cards (Japanese only cards) in English! Featuring cards from the Duel Terminal and cards you see in the Anime, this game is bound to allow fans the chance to make their perfect deck.
In addition, the AI has been reworked and improved to give fans a harder time during duels and it bumps up the difficulty of the game. Although the AI isn't perfect, its still one heck of duel with any AI.
- New characters such as Yubel, Yusuke Fujiwara and Trueman (Mr. T)
- Massive card pool, gives Yu-Gi-Oh! Online and Real Life players a chance to test a deck before hunting for particular cards in real life or online.
- Challenging AI. If you're AI flops, it's up to you to make up for it. In some cases, the AI may be better than you =).
- No need to fill 8 Hearts to finish a character's story. Now its just 4. Plus, Hearts fill much faster.
- Some mini games.
- The Animations. Really nice, its a good way to spend time trying to unlock them. However, there are also 3 new monster animations in this game.
- Constant use of the Internet to update the game with cards and up to date banlists.
- Lag when there are alot of cards on the field. This is due to the large card pool. The Lag isn't something that lets the game down that much.
- No voices. I'd rather have a Tag Force with an innovative voice for characters over characters opening their mouths and saying nothing. (*** voice acting is prefered)
From a design perspective, this game has got to be the best Yu-Gi-Oh! Game out there. Tag Team Dueling is an awesome way to duel. I really commend Konami Digital Entertainment (JP) for this game.
However, I will condemn 4Kids for destroying good anime and neglecting to use voice acting in a game that costs about $80 Australian dollars.
I REALLY HATE Konami Europe, the fact that they put 5 language scripts in the single game... Seriously, they could of reduce lag by having just one Language script for each country. I don't care if it was for convenience or anything, it just wasn't necessary. Also, for giving me generic email replies and failing to provide for Australia any special method of obtaining Duelpasses.