Yu-gi-oh fans deserve better than this.
Graphics: 3/10
The graphics are nothing extraordinary for a PS 2, even I was surprised by the shoddy quality and the pixelated screens. Everything in the game mirrored Tag Force 2 to the point where I was beginning to have my suspicions about this game. In duelist of the roses I was treated to lavish 3D battles between every monster, however, while duelists go through a set of motions in this game, the cards, save for a few notable ones, simply remain two dimensional objects on the field. I was outraged at first, and then I realized the Konami has given up on us. It wasn't until after losing my first duel and going onto the forums in anger that I realized what my suspicions suggested all along:
This Game is a Port of Tag Force 1 from the PSP
Well I always did want to get #1, I suppose I should be careful what I wish for. The game takes no effort in trying to enhance the experience, the graphics, gameplay, cards are all the same. There are no improvements what-so-ever. Even the horrible loading times are inexcusable for a PS 2 game.
Sound: 2/10
Even less excusable is the sound. The Japanese versions of Tag Force 1 and 2 had the duelists talking at least, we get to settle for subtitles. The gameplay has a basic set of sounds for cards being set, drawn, summoned etc. However nothing beyond that. Again I find myself comparing this to the lovely sounds of Duelist of the Roses where every fight between monsters had a lovely accompanying melody. Again this just screams of shoddiness and poor workmanship.
Gameplay: 5/10
I was lenient with this since the core gameplay is still there. But that is it, the core gameplay. The game doesn't take advantage of the PS 2's abilities and offers nothing new or exciting other than the fact that non PSP owners now get to experience the gameplay of Tag Force. It offers no new card sets or rules and it is actually difficult to download online content like it is for the PS 2. All in all, another disappointment. However Yu-gi-oh fans should still be able to enjoy the core gameplay.
Final Thoughts:
While I will admit I haven't played through this entire game just yet, I feel that this should at least warn those of us who have stayed faithful to yu gi oh that Konami has abandoned us. A shoddy port of a PSP title, better yet, a dated PSP title is such a painful stab in the back that I fear I have lost my faith in Konami. Overall I would urge most of you to stay away from it if you can. Get Tag Force 2, it's an improvement of the original. If you don't have a PSP and would like to experience the gameplay, wait for it to hit the bargain bins. Overall you're better off waiting for a new title if that ever comes out.
a 3.5/10