Pretty Cool. A cool game to just playing cards, as you get to see monsters come to life.

User Rating: 7.4 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour DS
Nighmare Troubador (NT) is a Yu Gi Oh game thats puts you i na duelists shoes as you compete in "Battle city tournament". You duel all the original yu gi oh duelists like joey, kaiba, yu gi, wevil etc... The graphics are an embarassment. Some monsters are outright unbielvably amazing and featured but others are blurry. Konami could've took the time on all the monsters not just some and this games graphics mioght be better.
Not a bad story line as you battle your way to the top.
This game is a must have for any yu gi oh fan but if youwant better and your a fan of Gx also get Spirit caller instead.