I wish they had this when I was into Yu-Gi-Oh!
The game is initially free, which is a plus, but it's not very friendly to noobies. There is no tutorial, or at least none that I can recall. So my impression is this game is strictly for the fans. I use to be a big fan, but jumping right back into this isn't so easy at first. While the match making system mostly works, it does occasionally put me up against someone with much more experience. I was I think 3-2 on my last match in the demo, and someone who has 14 wins got paired with me, and he obviously had way better cards.
And the pricing. It's initially free, but you to have to pay per duel. So you have to buy something called a duel pass150. That gets you 150 duels and some card shop credit for 15 us dollars. At first it sounds like a scam, and I always do prefer something I can just buy and keep. But I actually do prefer this over the monthly fees of MMOs or whatever (which you pay a lot more for). I could go a long time with just 150 duels (I'm guessing a year). The pricing isn't an issue, unless YuGiOh is all you play. The thing with the shop credit though, you can actually use this to buy cloths, kinda like the XBL avatars. This thing has always been kinda stupid to me, paying to customize your character, really? Just buy the cards.
So yeah, I'd say this is a good alternative if you don't want to put up with the cards, but thats about it. It doesn't really attempt to reach out to people who are new. I wish this would've came out earlier on when I WAS into Yu Gi Oh, but better late than never I guess.