You duel, you duel, you spend $15 to duel, you duel for a week, pay $15, duel for a week, pay $15, on and on and on.
Graphics: Meh. It is not something to be amazed about, it is actually a 2D graphic type, during your duel, its just your sprite, the opponent's sprite, and a board in-between. I wish the duel was 3D, but nonetheless. I give it a 7.
Game-play: It is the normal Yu-Gi-Oh Game! It is fun and you can find both challenging and easy opponents (If you spend $15.) It starts out hard, but once you buy the Duel pass 150 you get 3 different Structure Decks and 50 MP to spend.
The cons however, is short. All you do is duel, there is no story mode, just duel, duel, duel.
Without talking about Currency, I give it an 8.
Price: This is where the cons come in. The game costs WAY too much. I would rather pay Monthly then Weekly. I give it a 3
Currency: MP or Mileage points, you get this by buying duel passes which is kinda pathetic. It would be much better to stake em or something. There are also Mileage cards which you buy with the points at the in-game shop. But to buy that Cool looking dragon that only lasts one turn you need to spend $30! And that's only for that one card!
If it was not for the outfits and booster packs, It would be 1, but I will bring it up to 5 since I made my deck buying Dragon Boosters
Overall: If the duels were to look 3D with the cards in Animation, it would not be about $15 a week, if there was a duel-to-stake, and a story, it would be perfect for me, but since it is good enough I will give it an.........