This game simulates Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading card game at PC. Look my review to choose whether play this or not.
that these game are made just for money. But that doesn't mean
that it isn't still fun to play. In the game is played a game called Magic and Wizards (basically Duel Monsters, but im the big fan of manga.) If you doesnt know the rules its your problem. In the game there are just TWO game modes and ONE enemy, Yuugi's
arch enemy Seto Kaiba. The game modes are single duel where is played
one match and prize is on card, and Match Duel where are 2-3 matches
and prize is 3 cards.
That's right: No story mode, no network play, just one enemy who shouts
his stupid replics over and over again (I highly recommend to put sounds off ^-^) Playing against one deck surely is boring, but his deck is always going
better with your deck.
There are 315 cards to collect, but who is going to collect all of them??
I think that Konami should bet a LITTLE more on these games, Kaiba
the Revenge isn't really fun game.