a magical funny game with lots to play.the duels you fight are some times unfair cause ur opponent starts with 800000 lp

User Rating: 8.1 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8: Hametsu no Daijashin GBA
a good game can be tottaly unfair i mean ur life points dont go bac to 8000 after a duel it just stays the same .it has characters based on the serires lik yugi,kaiba,joey,mokuba,marik,odian,pegasaus and so on including noa at the very end and the game even includes a new kind of wingd dragon of ra.phenox version.and with the new walk ability only sacred cards has and the very short loading time and the quik duels this game is different thwn the other games a good sequence to sacred cards though if ur stil not sure try if u can to rent it