It's lacking... To put it mildly.

User Rating: 5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny XBOX

This kind of game would have best been suited for a hand held. Sure you can play against cast members from the animation and sure they have themed decks that correspond with them. Sure the game has hundreds of cards you can collect.

But what I had a problem with is that they expect me to sit down and grind for hours to prefect my deck but playing against the same weak character over and over! This is a given in most yugioh games I know but I wouldn't mind it that much if the payoff was more abundant. As in I got more cards for the trouble I went through to get victory.

As in tradition to Yugioh games, the later opponents are cheap and have every card you need to win while, you got to grind for hours to get to that same level! A game like this should be made for a hand held. I wouldn't mind so much grinding if I could take it with me and grind on the go.

That way I could make more progress, instead of going home to play. I wish there was an option to turn off the animations I felt the got in the way of the flow of the game. It got annoying. But that's just me. Also, unlike other yugioh games, this one has no story mode. So, it is basically a bare bones game.

You start out with a deck, and you work at climbing the ladder of grinding for cards by playing against duelist. Beat them all, you move on to the next tier of duelist. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. That wouldn't be so bad if you didn't start off with such a crappy deck that forces you to grind for hours playing against weak duelist in order for you to gain new cards.

I could Grind like this on a hand held like Yugioh for the DS. However, this isn't a sit down and grind game. Why grind like this when, you could play anything else were the grinding isn't so tedious with no real payoff?