The animations were one of the things that kept the score down.

User Rating: 6 | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny XBOX
I am a Yugioh fan but this is not what I'm a fan of. This game is huge letdown. The animations were unneeded, they didn't even move it was just the monster on one side of the screen and the other on the other side of the screen, then it was just some numbers and boom, gone. I thought they would at least do some animations of the attack, like Blue Eyes beam or something. The cards were different, Dark Magician was green and some other monsters were different. The things the opponent say are very few. One opponent can say about three different things on loops. So many bad points about this game, but I won't give it a bad score, because I'm a Yugioh fan.

Overall, if your not a Yugioh fan, don't buy this game.