A strategy game that becomes so immerseful that it really begins to feel like it's a game of chess after a while.

User Rating: 9.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul GBA
A classic yu-gi-oh game that is simple yet far more immersive than any of it's predecessors. First and foremost in order to fully enjoy this game you must at least somewhat be a yu-gi-oh fan; but for those of you who do not know anything about yu-gi-oh, (even without a tutorial) you will soon become an expert after playing this game. You start off with your standard deck and basically just duel. There are a wide variety of opponents (originating from the first two duel monsters series) with a wide variety of strategies that make this game an "intellectual's" game. Each opponent uses the same cards each time they duel, but both you and your opponent drawing different cards at different times makes each duel completely unique. You really need to think strategy in this game and it really is like a chess match when you face more advanced opponents. It is a fairly difficult game without using card passwords but you can still pull off an incredible deck. Another thing I found in this game is that it really takes brain over brawn, in the way that you can have every card in the game at your disposal and still easily lose. In yu-gi-oh, luck CAN sometimes affect the outcome. Examples include: drawing all 5 pieces of Exodia, flipping a coin (for Time Wizard, Barrel Dragon, Jirai Gumo, etc.), rolling dice (for Graceful/Skull Dice), and just for drawing the right cards at the right time. The thing about "losing easily" though is that if you have the right strategy and you know how to use your cards to compliment each other you can win any duel without question. There isn't any action, blood, or large spectacles; just cards, and the satisfaction of out-witting your opponent. If you don't like strategy without action (or yu-gi-oh in general) this game will probably seem very boring and difficult, but this game will grow on you and I think many who have gone the distance with this game will agree with me in saying that it is an absolute classic in the strategy game genre.