Worst game ever period with a capital P..........
-Admit it your got it for the Yu Gi Oh Cards that came with it. I was in 2nd grade when this came out and I was excited to get the cards and then when I played the game I wanted to bury it but kept it so I can give it to someone I hate :) Cons
-Everything -Boring -Repetitive -Graphics suck looks like N64 game all over again but even N64 can beat the crap out of these graphics CMON
-Story is horrible and does not go with anywhere of the TV show story -.................Do I have to say anything else -Play more then a hour you will scream at your TV and throw your gamecube in the front yard
Overall this game sucked but it wasn't that bad atleast it was cool when................ or when.......................... or.................... no it was just a bad game.