For the most part Dark Tournament is a game that fans of the series will like and others may want to look elsewhere.

User Rating: 7.3 | Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament PS2
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament is the first Yu Yu Hakusho game that went to the Playstation 2. Basically, the game is just fight after fight with cutscenes from the actual show that help bring the storyline along. Graphics for this are very nice, although sometimes, faces seem to get a little bit messed up like Genkai looks like she's 5000 years old at times. Besides that the graphics are very nice. The storyline stays loyal to the television show, but sometimes leads you to dead ends. Like, it would have been nice to see like how the person was killed in the match instead of just moving on. Also, there's a cutscene where Suzuka gives a gift to Kuwabara and Hiei and then it just dies without explaining anything. The cutscenes gave a nice voiceover, but the music was just plain bad. Also, you can breeze through this match in about 2 hours. It has 33 fights, but they go very quickly. Overall, Yu Yu Hakusho fans will definately like this game more then people who just want a 3D fighting game. A rent should be sufficient for this game.