Donn's One-Liner: There may be more pros, but in this case the cons outweigh them.
+Token game is a blast
+Cell shaded gfxs are nicely done
+Good number of different playable characters
+Good amount of cut scenes
-Fighting engine will leave you angry
-Special moves could of been better
When I first picked up this game, I was hoping it would capture the "essence" of the anime fighting style like Budokai games did with DBZ. I think it's fair to say that I was disappointed with . The game story mode is a half-way decent portrayal of the Dark Tournament Saga. You basically fight all the different opponents from the Dark Tournament Also, nice clips form the different episodes accompany the storymode. Now, for the meat of the game: The fighting engine. The controls feel stiff most of the time, when fighting the AI, they tend to block for 99% of the time, so pulling off combos and special moves frustrating and nearly impossible (beating Younger Toguro at the end is impossible).
Some of the character's special attacks were done poorly. Hiei's "Dragon of the Darkness Flame" attack starts out fine, but when the opponent blocks it, (which he will) the attack is suppose to come back on Hiei and make him stronger, the game ignores this. Younger Toguro is able to increase his strength and muscle mass by what ever percent his choses, and end the Dark Tournament saga we see him at 3%, 30%, 50%, 85%, and 100%. The game only has his normal form and his 30 percent from. One of the saving graces of the game is the Token game (which wouldn't hurt if it was a card game instead), where you gain different tokens for doing different things in the game, and you able to play a token game against the AI, which is nearly more exciting, if not more, than playing the actual game itself. The tutorial for the token game is a good start, but it didn't go in-depth enough for all the different effects of special tokens abilities.