Boring man.
User Rating: 1.5 | Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghost Files: Spirit Detective GBA
No wonder no one knows about this game, it sucks. This is one of the worst games to fall into my hands, the sad part is i found it and quickly sold it. I tryed to play it, i honestly did, but the simple one button mashing system and two different specials per character (and ones just an expansion of the other.) and boring tasks, boring combat, and literally no other aspects to hold it to greatness. Sure the tournament mode is fun, the very first time. Given its extremly easy, the mini-games are fun, the very first time. The adventure mode isn't even fun, the very first time.
Gameplay - 1
Simplistic combat fused with bad concepts.
Graphics - 4
Meh, its GBA so i guess its okay.
Sound - 1
An annoying repeating track makes the sound awful.
Overall - 1.6
This game is fun for all of 30 seconds, at most.