It requires patience and the ability to overlook shortcomings.
User Rating: 6.8 | Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghost Files: Spirit Detective GBA
Now if you're looking for a revolutionary Zelda-like game, look elsewhere. I am not being biased, for I do not watch the animated television series, I just bought the game because it looked cool and it was only $15 in the bargain bin. In the game, you play as up to 6 characters, but you really only use 4. The all around main character, a powerful school bully, a fast, agile, demon, and another demon, this one serene and more powerful. This is a dungeon crawler beat-em up with no innovations. The large city is meant to tease you that the game is open ended sanbox like GTA, but it's as linear as an arcade game, and about as lenghty as one too. The combat isn't very creative, you get you punch and kicks, plus, each character get 3 special attacks. The sound is bland and the levels are uninspired, but the boss battles are pretty cool and the sprites do look nice. This game is a quaint little walk in the park that'll satisfy you for a 2 hr. car trip, but don't expect many unlockables or replay value. But the game is only $9 so it doesn't really matter.