Well, what can I say? For me this is possibly one of the greatest games ever. It could be called a CTF version of C+C but thats where the comparison stops. You've got 10 types of infantry, 10 types of vehicles and about 4 gun emplacements. Not to mention the errr...abusive AI. The graphics. For its time, the games graphics were revolutionary. Even today it would put games like 'Big Rigs' to shame (although that isn't exactly hard). The game play. This was amazing really. Again it was years ahead of its time. There has been no game like it since. Which was odd considering how well it worked. It was a pity that its sequel was a bit of a disappointment. The levels get progressively harder and the AI progressively stronger. For a first timer you'll be struggling by Level 5. Considering that there's 21 levels, you may think this is stupid, but its to do with getting your troops going fastest, don't worry about the close in bases, just go straight ahead. The AI, abusive, smart, annoying. These are all words that can describe this odd AI. Its great in most sections of the game, but occasionally it becomes a bit of a joke.
right well im a girlie.. and i think that Z is sooooooooo classic. i used to play it when i was like 10- and i just realised recently that i want to play it again and i cant because ive lost the disk *crys* but anyway... Read Full Review
This is the first game that owned i use to play on my 486 with I dunno if even had graphic card, and 4 MB of ram it was the COOLEST game ever freaking made. I miss the good old time. I was 3rd grade and man this game was... Read Full Review