A turd without the polish
Let me start with the positives. The graphics are passable, I suppose, and the colors please the eye. After that it all goes down hill.
The voices are repetitious to the point of nausea... and that's after just 10 minutes of game play. At 30 minutes ignoring the odd squeals of Wiki the monkey/fairy/torture device is impossible.
"Give the game a chance," I said. "It was rated high for a reason," I reasoned.
It was about this time that Zack busted out his 10th candy bar and started munching during a cut-scene. Sound strange and irreverent? Imagine the most annoying way someone could noisily scarf down a Whatchamacallit candy bar. Then imagine seeing and hearing such a thing happen at every odd opportunity some game designer's warped imagination could fathom.
You have just imagined Zack's candy bar fetish. At 60 minutes, I realized I could never have those 60 minutes back.
This turd doesn't even have the decency to be polished. Avoid at all costs.