Pirates, Monkeys and challenging puzzles make this gem one of the best Wii games to date! A must have!
Let me start with the premise of the game. Zack wants to be a world famous pirate. Wiki is flying monkey sidekick. They travel with a group (cute!!) rabbit pirates and are looking for all the missing pieces of the infamous Barbaros (a golden skeleton pirate!) ... Oh, and there is a lady pirate, Captain Rose, and her Rose Rock pirates who try and foil Zacks plan to get all the pieces!!
To get the pieces, you travel to different lands and solve the areas puzzle. In the way will be enemies, obsticales and bosses. Basically, each are is one giant puzzle you must solve. For example: There is a locked door, There is a key in a tree, You cant reach it, you find a snake in a barrell. (wiki is a bell if you shake the Wii Remote) You shake Wiki, the snake turns into a grabber, use the grabber to get the key, open the door. ... Thats just the simple of simple too folks ... It gets ALOT harder... I spent so much time on some of these puzzles that I easily put over 50 hrs into this game.
This game also has very good Wii controls. It uses the Wii remote in ways the obect you are holding would be used. Does that make sense?... Like to play a flute, you hold it like a flute, to ring a bell, you ring the remote... and lots of other ways.
.. enough with how the game works. ITS FUN!!! I personally feel that anyone can enjoy this game. Its cute, simple to handle, and like i said, just fun. And if you are looking for a good game to play on your wii (lets admit it, its slim pickins on thw Wii) then this is one you will enjoy!!! I hope.