Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is a direct continuation of The Legend of Zelda, and the excitement is gigantic, but unfortunately disappointing, the game is weak, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link has greatly changed the gameplay, becoming a Side Scrolling game, Remembering Mario games, not the problem, the problem is its execution, this does not match with Zelda, the game is undoubtedly the most difficult of the saga, there are Dungeons that have absurd parts of difficult, especially the last, The bosses are very boring too, even though they are quite the same in terms of gameplay, the most different was Barba, the gameplay has problems, the graphics for the season are good, the soundtrack is fantastic, but this is standard in the saga, the Plot is interesting, we know what happens with Link, Zelda and other characters after the end of the previous game, plus the game is the worst of the saga, for many factors, from its new style, its gameplay problems, and moments very Difficult because your Limitation of gameplay, plus did good things too, had many elements of RPG that the other The Legend of Zelda began to put too, but it is a game that is forgettable. Note 43
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