I'm really suprised by these bad reviews.....

User Rating: 8.3 | Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link GBA
Personally Zelda 2 turned out as a great classic. Impressive graphics and gameplay for the action rpg gamer, yet it's easy to pick up and play right away. Fighting the knights and lizardmen is still challenging and enjoyable after all these years. The game introduced some great ideas back then and hold up to this day. My only complaint would be the saving system. It could be very brutal back on the NES. You had to hold the reset button and then push power and yet you couldn't guarantee it saved. Thankfully that's not an issue here but it's confusing to save this game. You press a combination of buttons to bring up the save screen. I would tell you but I honestly don't remember. I take a few guesses at it until the screen comes up. After saving though the game sends you back to the title screen. It's disappointing this area was not updated. Overall this is another solid Zelda title that deserves a spot next to the others.