Definitely the most challenging "Zelda" game available, but still worth it to play until the end! :idea:

User Rating: 9.5 | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link NES
What I consider to be the number one quality for a true video game player is their ability to never say "Die;" that is, to give up before completing a video game to the best of their ability. It has taken 20 years longer than it should have, but at long last, I've FINALLY beaten Link's second outing on the original Nintendo Entertainment System. I'm just going to come right out and say it; if I had NEVER learned about the secret trick to beating the final boss (Dark Link, in his first appearance no less) than I might have NEVER been able to finish the game! (The trick by the way, is to crouch on the far right corner with your shield down, and keep throwing out your sword to keep Dark Link away AND to keep hitting him when he drops his guard.) I think the one thing that keeps people from trying this game is that they perceive it to be too hard. Granted, the game IS hard, but it's mostly due to a lack of ingenuity on a player's part. I was a victim of this shortfall to. "Zelda II" isn't MEANT to be played like the other 2D games that Link appears in. Because this game plays more like a 2D side-scrolling platform adventure rather than a free-roaming adventure game, ACTUAL strategy has to be utilized to beat all the various enemies in the game, rather than just randomly hacking and slashing enemies. It's definitely rewarding to actually finish this game, but be sure to bring your A game, because the dark forces in Hyrule won't make it easy for you to win. Overall, the only thing keeping this game from being one of the best IS it's sheer difficulty, but other than that, the game excels on every other level. So if you're feeling brave and patient, give this game a try, you might end up pleasantly surprised! :D Enough said! ;)