Not the Zelda game most were expecting, but what Zelda game is ?
Not too long ago, I tried the game out again , with a different perspective. I played it with no expectations, and didn't compare it to any other game in the series. Most fans will complain that it feels more like a Castlevania game, rather than a Zelda game, and they are right, there are no bombs, rupees, arrows, boomerangs and so on. This isn't such a bad thing though.
My favorite part about Zelda II is the soundtrack. I personally feel this game might have the best soundtrack in the series, and without a doubt, the best dungeon music. The action is also my favorite out of any of the 2D Zelda games , and yes, I have played every 2D Zelda title. Action is the main focus of the game, where as it isn't as much anymore with Zelda titles. Games like Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass earn their difficulty badge with complex dungeons, not so much with tough enemies. Zelda II on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Your health bar isn't very big, and enemies do a lot more damage. You must figure out a tactic for every enemy you face.
The game also contributed overall to the Zelda series as a whole. Granted, the leveling up was dropped, which I can't say I'm too sad about, but it worked for this game. It was the first game to feature the magic meter, and a hammer. Also, names of the towns in Zelda II, return in Ocarina of Time ( names of mages ) . It was also the first game in the series to have towns, and NPC's walking around. The NPC's also had a lot more dialogue. The quote , " I am Error ", is actually a correct translation by the way. Also, it is the only Zelda game ( CD-I Zelda games do not count ) where Link speaks. Granted, it is one line, and it is incredibly pointless, but it's interesting.
So pick this game up if you find it at a local thrift store, or download it on the Wii console . Just play it knowing it isn't the typical Zelda adventure.