New Universe + New&Good Game Mechanics + Great Story + Pretty Good Graphics = Awesome Game (everything I wanted)
That world it's simply insane, chaotic and it still has some basic rules.
It is a fun experience from start to finish, it simply keeps you asking for more.
Sadly it is too short. The game feels like a 1h:30m movie. The story and it's ending are awesome... you see the finale, you think you should understand, but you are not sure you understood the right thing.
The universe is new, as I said. You do not see an ogre, an elf or dwarfs... instead you see something new. This world is insane, from it's core and weirdly it makes you feel like home.
The combat feels nice, it can be too simple or too tough but you manage to win in the end. The AI is pretty good and the boss battles feels good.
This game it's not really a 10. But after thinking about that story and after finishing it twice (because I loved it) I must give it a 10.