The FPS that got me interested in FPS's.
Zero Tolerance graphics aren’t bad. My only gripe is that they are quite pixilated and dull. Considering the type of game Zero Tolerance is and the technology it has to run on, I don’t hold the graphic quality against it that much. The music and sounds are actually quite good. The music is moody and the sounds the guns make do add to the fun factor considerably. If you are familiar with Doom or any of its clones, Zero Tolerance plays very similar to it. You run around in a maze like level killing everything in your path. You do have a choice of different characters to start out with, each with their own special attributes. There are plenty of guns, which always scores mucho points with me. The levels tend to look pretty much the same and do get repetitive, but this is more of a hindsight observation. Zero Tolerance isn’t incredibly difficult and anyone who puts the time into it will get through with no problems.
Zero Tolerance is one of the first FPS that I played and have since fell in love with the genre. Anyone who has played games like Halo, Red Faction, or any modern FPS won’t be able to appreciate what Zero Tolerance was able to do for its time.