The game that created the greatest phrase in the world
From a game from 1989 the environment was great, detailed enough to have a good time playing. Sound was nice too. When I played the game, I was disappointed. The end was just not satisfying, maybe it leaved you wanting more.
There wasn't much story, I say you, the only storyline you will ever see in the game is in the intro, then you are just on your own advancing from level to level defeating bosses.
But, maybe not much people took attention to this, or this was the main attraction of the game: It's poor translation. The game was originally a japanese production, so it as translated to english, but in a very barbaric way. Only that, the producers contracted some crappy translators and didn't traduced the game well, but this wasn't that bad, one of the traducers created the greatest phrase in the world ever. All your Base are belong to us
So, then in February 16, 2001, an user from Newgrounds(called Bad_CRC), a flash site, made a music video parodying the Zero Wing Intro. Here is the complete story explaining all of All Your base in Newgrounds:
"In 1989, a game called Zero Wing came out for the Sega Genesis by Toaplan. It was an unremarkable game; the only feature that distinguished it from any other side-scrolling shooter was the barbaric way that it treated the English language. Fast forward to the year 2000, after just over a decade in obscurity (living next door to the New Kids on the Block and that guy who starred in Herman’s Head) a parody by David Lloyd at brought this game’s bad grammar back into the pop culture spotlight. Chat rooms and message boards blazed with phrases like “Somebody set up us the bomb”, and “You are on the way to destruction”. Suicides among English teachers and professors rose 358% over normal rates; the highest for English educators since the Valley Girl phrase “Gag me with a spoon” became popular.
Not too long after the game’s bad grammar resurfaced, the pictures started appearing- many from Then the Laziest Men on Mars mixed the first song. This new craze culminated when Bad_CRC created the first “All your base” video. Shortly after the first “All your base” video hit the NG Portal, parodies started appearing."
So overall, Zero Wing is a superb game. A classic game, that all will never forgive and live in our memories forever.
P.S: Also, me and thousands of other people want to thank the traducer that created the All your Base phrase, thank you, and may you live a wonderful life =)
And, in my point of view and from other people, I think this was just the seed of a great game... just my thought.