Review from a Zoids fan. (Revamped!!!)

User Rating: 7.4 | Zoids: Battle Legends GC
GAMEPLAY: The controls of this game are good and easy to learn but at times you can barely touch the control stick and the entire zoid with turn almost completly to the left or right, but after a while you'll get used to it. GRAPHICS: The zoid graphics are superb but if you take your eyes off the zoids you can see the enviorment isn't that great, good but not great. SOUND: The actual gameplay music is enjoyable and reminds you of the zoids tv show and the sounds the zoids make, roars and weapon noise, do sound like it came from the tv show. The only thing that killed the sound for me is that some of the voices are not done by the original cast and when you are on the field the people in the zoids wont shut up. Get ready hear "HIT IT!" a lot. VALUE: With all 3 types of player modes, VS mode, Single player mode ( you can play for either side of the war), and zoids fist ( small arena battles), this game will be entertaining any zoids fan for quite awhile.