Zoids:BL does a great job of letting you customize and collect your own zoids, but a couple of flaws make the experience
The game features tons of zoids to play as, each with their own abilities, modifications, and weapons, visuals are done well, attacks and characters come from the original show, large areas for battle, multiplayer can be a real hoot sometimes.
The Bad:
Gameplay can be tough to learn, Extremely hard at the beginning, Mission mode can become a little too frustrating, only four modes: Battle Mode, Fists Mode, Vs. Mode, and Mission Mode, voices aren't from original show, teammates don't respond to commands as clearly as they should, camera can be a little strange at times, a few graphical glitches when hit hard, some attacks can't be stopped; leaving you hopeless and without action, some weapons barely do any damage, you sometimes end up having to sell zoids to buy others suited for a certain battle in battle mode (such as trading a Blade Liger, close combat, for a Cannon Tortoise, long range rockets), and no online play.
Zoids: Battle Legends is based on the anime series "Zoids: Zero" and "Zoids: Chaotic Century". The game features almost all of the characters from both shows, and almost all of the zoids....which is pretty awesome. There are only four modes, but you'll mostly end up playing Battle Mode, or Vs. Mode, because the other modes are either boring or a little frustrating.
Battle Mode consists of you going through many battles to reach the top. It's pretty fun, because you can buy zoids, weapons, modifications and upgrades to win, but sometimes, on the tougher battles, you'll end up selling most of your things to buy a new zoid or weapon. Even then, it's still pretty hard.
Vs. Mode can be fun. You and you friend can just beat the snot out of each other with large animal-like machines...How Fun Does That Sound?
The gameplay in this game can feel entertaining at times, but some of the weapons don't do much damage, and sometimes you get hit continuously, so you can't really run away or react. Sure, there is a spin attack, when you get up, where you can repel those zoids that are attacking you, but the enemy always seems to time it right, and hit you straight on. The gameplay, though really isn't that bad for the zoid's first Gamecube game
The graphics are great, and look much like the show. But when you are hit hard, the zoids head glitches, twists, and turns. It's not that bad though. It doesn't affect the gameplay. Otherwise, the graphics are awesome. The music and sound is okay....The voices are done pretty badly, and don't replicate the voices from the shows in any way. But the music was pretty interesting, and will have you humming the tune as you customize your zoid, and battle.
Since there's hardly any modes, the game can feel a little short, but Vs. Mode and the many zoids can really prolong the experience. However, that experience still doesn't last extremely long.
Overall, the game has its good and bad points, but does a pretty good job for a zoids game.