It is a lot of fun, and nice with co-op. A game that you will want to play over and over again.

User Rating: 8.5 | Zombie Estate X360
Note: I have edited this review after playing the game more.

This is by far one of the best indie duel stick shooters out there. Not only just is it a good duel stick shooter, but it is a great zombie game. Now this is one zombie title you may not want to over look. It has co-op, and single-player.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fairly simple. You and possibly your friends are on a small patch of land. You get a good sized house for defense, and get a giant yard to roam around. Unlike other zombie indie games out there this game truly shows you what a real zombie invasion is like. You aren't faced by hundreds of zombies. You are faced by thousands. You get a large variety of guns at your disposal, and though at first you may not find all of their true purposes, after playing through the game several times on co-op I realized each gun is useful in its own way. You buy this weapons from a shop that you can visit in breaks inbetween waves. In the game you can have up to 9 guns in total, but can only use 3 guns on the fly. It is always wise to find good combos. There are several ammo types: Shells, assault, heavy, and explosive. Ammo is common when fighting so you don't have to worry too much.

Graphics: The graphics are obviously stylized on purpose to look retro. I am glad this game is retro styled, because I don't think I could take it seriously if it wasn't. Oh you also get 30 different character skins to choose from, which is pretty entertaining.

Music: The music is this mediocre violin music, but it really isn't as bad as I thought it was at first. At first it annoyed me, but when playing with a friend it is less noticeable.

The Map: I made this as its own category in my review because there is only one map in the game, so you better know about it. Again, at first I thought the map was okay, but nothing too special. Yet Once you play co-op you realize all of the possibilities of the map. Each room in the house is good for certain weapons. The windows are very useful as well. The map is very well designed because everything in the map is useful for your own forms of combat. Like the lower street is good because you can see everything, and it is a good protection spot. Or the room with the TV because since it is small, and has few doorways this allows you to set up turrets and acid properly to defend it easily without dieing.

Enemies: The enemies in Zombie Estate come in large waves, and I think the largest is around 2,500 but it may be more. There are 25 waves in total. Now there are only 8 different kinds of enemies, but each one fits its own little niche. There are standard zombies, surgeons which heal zombies and themselves not to mention they have longer reach, skeletons, radioactive zombies and a few more. Overall well balanced.

Conclusion: Zombie Estate is a very fun game, and can be played multiple times with friends. Now when you are by yourself you may not find it as much fun, because certain weapons are only really useful with friends. Like the RM80 isn't good when alone, but with a friend it is a nice gun. The game has a lot of skins which allows for funny combat and great moments, the map is well made which is good for trying something new everytime, and the co-op is the best of any indie game yet.

Summary (incase you don't like reading)
Good: Awesome co-op, lots of guns while each one has its own purpose, very well designed level calls for new strategies, nice visual style, and a good variety of enemies

Bad: Playing by yourself isn't a blast, music isn't quite the best.