Underneath some undeniable issues, The Oneechanpon hides a funny and rewarding core gameplay and extra galore.
It really took me some months to get the right information and carve out the true shine of this game.
Oneechanpon is basically a hack and slash game. Since you could be bored after three or four slashes, Tamsoft decided to put a nice twist to the (extremely) basic formula of Oneechanbara: the Cool combo. Basically, if you want to get higher scores and more satisfying results in the game, you have to press the attack button at the exact moment where you hit the zombie with your sword. Timing is everything here, there's absolutely no chance for button-mashing. In addition, there's the Lusty Madness Combo which increases the speed and the rhythm of your input.
Those who love experimenting new and absurd combos will always be rewarded since there's enough space for creativity: you can keep on with your Cool Combo even using evading rolls, kicks and – in case you're playing as Reiko – gun shots.
Variety is assured by the initial presence of three very different characters, and extra characters including D3's sexy idol Riho and her sister Makoto and The Senko main protagonists, sisters Kiku and Hana. So much sisters here!
You'll play the game a lot of times before you can successfully unlock everything: the Quests you have to complete to get some extra costume or character are quite hard – especially because they are mistranslated. ^_^ Ok, apart from that, you really have to master your character(s) to get the best from this game and it took me some months of playing to get some satisfying results.
All in all, the Oneechanbara has the potential to arise from the mud of low-budget-low-quality-games and Oneechanpon shows that it really can shine in some aspects. Brushing off technical issues and polishing more some aspects will surely help to build up a masterpiece. I'm so looking forward to play Oneechanbara: VorteX for the X360, now – which is sold in Europe and U.S: with the usually lame title Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Squad.