There's this misconception about Nintendo Games. The misconception is that prior to "Mortal Kombat" arriving in Arcades and Sega UTTERLY dominating with THEIR version of the game, compared to Nintendo's sanitized version; Nintendo wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with violent or bloody games. But peeling back the layers, and unearthing some of Nintendo's more previously obscure video games, reveals that Nintendo actually HAD experimented with more bizarre and unconventional games that were kind of violent and realistic for the time they were released. This video game, falls under that category! The game can best be described as, you control a gigantic, flying head that for some reason, LOOKS like the gigantic disembodied floating head of a younger Danny Devito; because a meteorite has hit the United States in an alternate version of 1999, managed to unleash a wave of zombie aliens and animals that terrorize innocent civilians, and the gigantic flying head is the only thing that can save them. First off, the graphics by NES standards are absolutely AMAZING and the game makes absolutely SURE that it uses every ounce of the available processing power of the NES to bring the best looking game it possibly can! Second, the music, sound, and controls are absolutely PERFECT! Back in the day, this video game was a perfect example of trial and error, as you had to figure out how many hits each enemy took to defeat on your own! Luckily, you can actually use the SLOWDOWN (which can occur when there's a lot of action happening on the screen) to your advantage, as a makeshift way of making the action occur in slow-motion, so you can dodge the enemy attacks easier. And unlike other games, restoring your health doesn't come from any traditional health restoration items; it comes from saving the innocent civilians that fly out of buildings that you have to attack in order to proceed, and by completely destroying as many structures and enemies as possible. Arguably, the only thing that keeps this game from being perfect is the difficulty. Even on the EASY Difficulty level, the game isn't exactly easy to beat! At the very least, this is the type of game where if you DO manage to get hit and LOSE all of your health, it's at least more of your OWN fault than it is the game's! However, if you're going to play the game today, I highly recommend playing the game as a download game for the Nintendo Switch, as it now allows the helpful option to save and rewind your game a little, to make the game a lot easier, and more manageable to beat! That's one of the many reasons I like the Switch, it's allowing the chance for many games like this one, a chance to shine in a way that wasn't possible before. If you want to play a unique, shooting game, this game just might be of interest to you. I highly recommend it for the shooting video game enthusiast. Enough said, true believers!
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