A bad attempt at making a game about shooting zombies in the face
Whilst Alien Shooter: Vengeance was a pretty long game, Zombie Shooter 2 can be beaten in under three hours or even less so. Even if you don't get into consideration the extremely short campaign you won't help it but notice all the little things that made Alien Shooter so great are long gone south. On the paramount of those things is the attention to detail. You'll find none here: it's a bland copy/paste routine all over. Most sprites were ripped right out of Alien Shooter: Vengeance. And the new ones are scarce to say the least. You'll see same huts, heavy trucks and a dozen or so other textures repeating themselves over and over and over again. Even some of the enemies were ripped from Alien Shooter: Vengeance: exploding pods for example, the only thing that differs is the gray color.
Amongst other things that were "transported" over from Alien Shooter: Vengeance are most of the battle equipment, tunes, bad storyline and a bad bad "superbad" translation. I played as Vincent, and still my supposed lover called me a "sister" in the end. Wrong usage of verbs and broken sentence constructs are but a part of the problem in the translation. English is indeed not my native language, but imagine how bad the translation of Zombie Shooter 2 actually is if even I got irritated by it to no limits.
Storyline had beaten even the original in terms of banality, and vagueness. I won't spoil it, because it really is that bad. In nine words: loved one in trouble, hordes of zombies, world domination. Let your imagination work from there, even though I don't think this will require a lot of work.
RPG-system got changed a bit. Stats don't do that much as in the original, so it was kind of a let-down again. Intelligence is useless now, whilst in the original it was the most important stat due to implants having intelligence requirements. Weapon skills got thrown out, maybe for good. I didn't care much for them actually. All in all RPG-system got simplified a big deal.
Graphics is mostly the same, except for being a lot more to the gray spectrum than the original. Pretty bad for 2009 actually. Music is not all that bad, but considering it migrated from the original I won't give it any additional points.
Okay, time for the conclusion. I understand that Sigma-Team is a poor russian company with very little revenues. Ripping off its own work isn't a crime, since you can't be accused of a plagiarism whilst being its author. Still I think it isn't particularly fair to BS the fans like that and rob them of their hard-earned money. I'm gonna give it a four out of ten, only for the love of Alien Shooter and because I'm in a good mood. But frankly this game doesn't really deserve that much. I'm being VERY VERY generous. Save yourself trouble and money. If you never played Alien Shooter: Vengeance, get it, enjoy it and love it. If you have played it, better replay it and leave Zombie Shooter 2 be, lest you really want to get disappointed on purpose.