Great game!Zombies are relentless and scanning for items & navigating ur back pack managing gear is even suspenseful

User Rating: 8 | ZombiU WIIU
I never for once let the reviews sway my decisions on picking this game up or not. I mean just watch youtube gameplay and you can already see for yourself that this is a great game. For gamespot to give it a rating of 4.5 further let me know that you can never go off of what anyones says if a game is good or not.. Like i said in my review deck its even suspenseful navigating your gear as your character kneels down to manage gear in ur backpack you get a surrounding view of yourself and zombies can sneak up on you. Radar on the gamepad is fantastic and helps you detect zombies very well. I like to keep a eye on this even while fighting a zombie because it lets you see if another zombie or 2 is sneaking up behind you. In my opinion this game owns Resident Evil 6 by far. Only other zombie game that give this any competition is left for dead.