Slick style, and blazing fast mech combat, bring the Zone of the Enders series up to snuff.

User Rating: 8.5 | Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition PS2
Having some time on my hands, I was thinking of writing a review of one of my favorite PS2 games. So here it is. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner.

Me being a huge Anime and Giant mech fan, I was instantly pulled to the 1st ZoE and the 2nd ZoE. The latter being the better by far.

In ZoE: the 2nd runner, you play as Dingo who pilots a obital frame(mech) named Jeuyty. The story follows the same old, good guy stops bad guy while saving the universe, and gets the girl at the end. The bland story is told by beautifully drawn anime.

Speaking of beauty, this game has to be one of the best looking games on the PS2. The style use some Jet Set Radio-ish cell shading.

The controls are tight and the combat fun. Your mech moves very fast and has a lot of future weapons, and mech upgrades. One upgrade makes your mech move at the speed of light, making the combat intesly fast.

Your base weapons are homing lasers, an energy shield, and a graple system. You can grap eneimes, use them as sheilds, or throm them at other eneimes, which is reallly cool.

The music is good, you get some J-Pop which is not as bad as you think.

If you have just bought a PS2 or you just need a good game, get this one. It has some unlockables, some multiplayer, and will last you a while. You can even find it in a bargin bin now. I hope Kojima brings this series to the PS3.