This game improves on the first game and simply delivers an amazing and exciting mecha adverture which is unmatched.
You learn a lot of Dingo's character as the game process and does prove to be a good character thought out the whole game, unlike the protagonist from the first game.
At this point, you are taken to VR training where you can learn all the moves, controls and capabilities of Jehuty. You can skip the VR mode and jump straight to the game. The controls are sharp and it's easy to control Jehuty within game. Weapons show signs of improvement, homing lasers are a good example, by firing multiple at a time. The weapons are useful at the beginning of the game.
Other returning and improving capabilities include grabbing, where you can grab enemies and throw them into other enemies. Jehuty can so grabs other objects later in the game, which do prove useful in later boss fights.
Once you process through the game, you can obtain weapons, every time you obtain a weapon, the game gives you a chance to use it, some of the weapons from the first game make an improvement in this game and however there are new weapons, which have a good use during different situations. The powerful vector cannon makes a good appearing in the game, allowing you to charge up a powerful plasma source and shooting it out, transmitting high damage toward a target.
The graphics have improved and the cutscenes are the best treat in ZOE2, fully animated anime cutscenes and have been used in the game. They really show off what the game truly is. The game always runs at the full FPS, however, there are a few minor slowdowns as the screen is fill with enemies or firepower. The sound is clear and the music fit the game design well.
The gameplay doesn't get better, the level design is well thought out and allows you to fight and also solve problems along the way with the help of the AI of Jehuty. The boss fights offer the same thing but at a different level on each boss which makes it more interesting.
Taking yourself in the story is very exciting, with twists and turns and also some reference to the first game fits the story well into the series pretty well. Finishing the game unlocked other extra modes, however some of these extra modes are just set conditions with levels taken from the story part of the games, meanwhile others include a versus and survival mode. It does offer some replay value, but most likely for fans who are really stuck into the game.
After the audience letdown of the first game, you'll be pleased to know that the second game really lived up to the expectations of what the first game should have been and really uses the power of the Playstation 2. With a well thought out story, polished graphics and sound mixed with great gameplay improved from the original. Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner is a great game and is worth playing. If you haven't tried it, you're missing out.