Still remember the good old Macros days ? ( for those who enjoyed it of course ) well , in short , ZOE 2 is an improvement of let's say, 20 times the typical-robot-cruising-missle launching –shoot-a-boo . I was never a great Robot game fan myself . However , this game has changed my views tremendously. I used to have a feeling that robots are slow , heavy, and they make cranky noises when they scratch the floor …but not with this game . This is a fast paced , dramatic , blood boiling interplanetary conflict game where you will be so immersed in its action that you will never realize that 5 hours have just passed and you have just finished the game . A point worth mentioning is that , Hideo Kojima has managed to create a gaming experience in which robots have such smooth motion that they resemble a human's. The game is basically in the form of third person perspective hack and slash. Other arsenals in your control are the missile lock-on options , the Vector Cannon ( which is very cool by the way … you have to settle your robot on the ground and it takes about 20 seconds for you to charge it up to full power and then fire it ) and the stuff that I enjoyed the most was this Zero shift thingy where you get to teleport at will towards your enemy ( but you will only get this ability in the end ), these are just among the few weapons that you get in the game. Not forgetting to mention the excellent music scores in this game. I particularly liked the "Beyond Boundaries" theme song of the game and the final battle between you and the bad guy, the BGM steams up your blood . The 3D graphics in this game are well executed , you get an Anime style of storyline throughout the game and though the story line is very linear, I felt that it is well compensated by the strong sense of emotion in this game. You control a character who is faithful, strong on the outside yet kind in his heart , and he is kind of stubborn ( most heroes are stubborn right ? ) The only drawback in this game is that sometimes the action gets so intense and fast that you can't really make out the movements of your robot , not to mention locate the enemies … and this can be very frustrating at times when you are severely outnumbered and you have numerous traps cornering you. Last but not the least, this game has one of the best dubbings I have ever came across … voice acting is good , and it gives no sense of over-acting or hypo-acting. I gave this game a high score because it has changed the way I look at robotic 3D action gaming. Never in my life had I seen such superb Animation, and it attracted me at the 1st sight due to its detailed and breath-taking 3D graphics. Please get this if you are a true robot fan.
Other Helpful Reviews for Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition
even today there isn't anything that really compares to this game. It's a shame that such a masterpiece was never tried by anyone, and is no longer made. Inorder to get this game, you have to look in auctions, or pirac... Read Full Review
So many of you probably more or less remember the first ZOE. But then again, most of you also remember now that ZOE was that average-to-crap mech game that you bought only so you could get your hands on the MGS 2 demo a ... Read Full Review