I played the original Zone of Enders a long time ago and was left not too impressed by the game back then. Still I was curious to see how part two would be and started playing. Gameplay: 7 The gameplay basically exists of bashing the pad like a moron, with a little bit of tactic concerning special sub attacks. It's ok, but after a while my hand started hurting from all the bashing.. Graphics: 7 The game looks great. When your figting you see lasers and rockets and all kindsa space age weapons flying all around without slowing the game down. The enviroments all look pretty much the same sadly. Sound: 6 I didnt like the sound at all. Most of the voices were kids voices and the sounds heard when in battle got very repetitive very soon. Value: 7 It's a pretty long game that will keep you busy for a weekend or so. (unless your gonna play it non-stop but then your an idiot) Reviewers Tilt: 6 I was again left unimpressed by the game. Just like in the first Zone of the Enders I think they could have made the game much better. Perhaps some more variety in the battles and a little more engaging story would do. Overall score: 6.5 Not a very high score, but not a very good game either. Probably best as a rental for the weekend.
Other Helpful Reviews for Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition
even today there isn't anything that really compares to this game. It's a shame that such a masterpiece was never tried by anyone, and is no longer made. Inorder to get this game, you have to look in auctions, or pirac... Read Full Review
So many of you probably more or less remember the first ZOE. But then again, most of you also remember now that ZOE was that average-to-crap mech game that you bought only so you could get your hands on the MGS 2 demo a ... Read Full Review