This game is what you can expect from Kojima. Every game he makes is a masterpiece. The game has a great, detailed story line. It draws you in and in the end you feel moved. Also the battle system is easy and extremly fast and action packed. The sub weapons have greatly improved from the first ZOE. The game was somewhat short but its not that big of deal because of the replay value. The characters and voice overs are on key as well which is wierd for and imported game. The graphics are astounding and the anime style cutscenes blew me away. This game is a definite buy.
Other Helpful Reviews for Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition
even today there isn't anything that really compares to this game. It's a shame that such a masterpiece was never tried by anyone, and is no longer made. Inorder to get this game, you have to look in auctions, or pirac... Read Full Review
So many of you probably more or less remember the first ZOE. But then again, most of you also remember now that ZOE was that average-to-crap mech game that you bought only so you could get your hands on the MGS 2 demo a ... Read Full Review