it has good graphics, very cool mech designs, good combat system, very good music, great level design, great story (you also dont have to have played the original enders to ge the story. upon beating the game it opens up the cutscenes from the first one.) It has everything you want. my only problem is its length , the game only takes a few hours to complete. there is a multiplayer option for two players but the main thing you will want to play is the singlepalyer mode. very good, gameplay mechanics, it also isnt that hard. it has a great tutorial.
Other Helpful Reviews for Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition
even today there isn't anything that really compares to this game. It's a shame that such a masterpiece was never tried by anyone, and is no longer made. Inorder to get this game, you have to look in auctions, or pirac... Read Full Review
So many of you probably more or less remember the first ZOE. But then again, most of you also remember now that ZOE was that average-to-crap mech game that you bought only so you could get your hands on the MGS 2 demo a ... Read Full Review