A huge improvement over the first game!
User Rating: 9.3 | Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition PS2
The first ZOE game was pretty decent, but it just didn't live up to the huge hype it had before it released. ZOE2 however is a far better game. infact it's a brillant game, one of the best on the PS2. The Gameplay is a big step up over the first game. There are more varied enemies and the Mechs control flawlessly. Making the game extremely fun to play. Sometimes however the camera and get in the way during a heated battle. But this rarely happens. The Graphics are probably the best I've ever seen on the PS2. The Art is fantastic and the special effects are dazzling. The music is also excellent, but not quite as good as in the first game.In the end ZOE2 is a must own for anyone who has a PS2.