The greatest GBA game I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Z.O.E: 2173 Testament GBA
Released: March 3, 2002
Developers: Konami, WinkySoft
Game Genre: RPG

Story (10/10)
In order to fully understand and appreciate the storyline of ZOE, there is a terminology page that you can access on the game that will help you along. Also, throughout the course of the game, mechs and characters are described in detail.

The storyline of ZOE is one of the best I’ve ever played. It is definitely the best GBA storyline I have played to date. In fact, I played the game more for the storyline than the actual gameplay.

It is the year 2173, and Earth has colonized Mars and Jupiter (you’d think the gravity would get to them, though). Tensions between the home planet and the two colonies became strained, however, and the Earthlings begin to call Mars and Jupiter inhabitants “Enders”, an insulting term meaning that they live near the end of the world. Cage is a young boy on a ship heading to Mars from Earth. The rest takes off from there. I would love to go in detail, but I do hate spoilers. Gameplay (10/10)
There is a very unique gameplay to ZOE. It is a tactical strategy game, with gameplay similar to Advance Wars or Final Fantasy Tactics…that is, until you actually enter a battle. Each character that you meet controls their own unique “LEV” or “OF” (read more about it in the game). Each mech has different abilities and strengths.

When attacking, you select a certain attack and then enter a mini-game-like mode where you have to target the enemy and press the A button. A critical hit can be obtained (critical hits do 1.5 times the normal damage amount) if the targeting reticule is over a red spot located on the enemy. When defending, you are a little blue reticule that has to avoid the enemies targeting. This is incredibly easy. You will never lose a fight from dying. Typically this would take away from a game…not so in this case.

The game’s storyline completely overrides the easy gameplay mode and allows you to simply enjoy the game. It’s like reading a book but taking part in it at the same time. Overall astounding gameplay and completely original system.

Graphics (10/10)
The graphics won’t wow anybody, because most of the game is text-based between fighting scenes. Characters talk to each other while their respective pictures pop up on the screen. However, the graphics are very solid and non-pixilated.

Durability (10/10)
I never wanted to put it down…great job, Konami.

Overall Score (10/10)

Final Thoughts:
The greatest GBA game I have played to date.