Simple put, it suck.
The graphics are actually the game's saving grace of an instant return. They are the best I've seen, which says a lot.
The gameplay also saves it from being sold. The battles are always intense and fun. Although I would have appreciate some more freedom in the environment.
The story has to be the worst story ever put into a game. The main character, Leo detests violence like a sickness; he makes Raiden from MGS look like Dante from DMC. I can understand that blood would make you sick if you see your friends die, but this is a **** video game; I don't wanna play as a complete **** Hell, I'd kill the sucka who killed my homies in a second!
The worst part is the length of this game; I was done in two hours and that was on easy. And I thought the first Metal Gear Solid was short (c'mon Kojima).
Despite my low rating, I'm keeping this. But I'm not recommending it for **** Maybe I would for the demo for MGS II, but I've already beat the actual game 5 time, so it's not worth. If you haven't MGS II yet and your on the fence, get this and play the demo. If you already played it, then stay the hell away from Zone of the Enders.