Cute animals and repetitive gameplay oh my but not all is well in this Zoo sim.
One of the best things about this game are the graphics, each animal have amazing detail from the fur to the feathers to even the slippery skin of a snake each are given a great amount of dedication. The environments are done just as well, each habitat is build to show each animal and how they react in their homes which adds a sense of realism to a game that centres around a zoo.
The game will take some time to complete since every animal will need repeated visits and check-ups that alone stretches the game well over 10 hours but to some that will feel like a chore, only the hard pressed Zoo fans will tangle with this and enjoy it me not being a zoo fan i found it hard to stick with it but i did and i enjoyed it to a point. The replay value is not there once the game is beaten you can start the game again and do the same thing but as i said before this game wont appeal to most but for fans of animals and zoo life who should definitely check this little title out it's worth a look.